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Quechua Language


Quechua.org Icon Language: Flag of Spain Flag of U.K.

The site quechua.org contains photos, maps, and stuff about culture and history of Andean people.

The page about the pronunciation of different quechua (and Aymara) dialects is particulary interesting. You can listen to the pronuciation of about fifty words in quechua in fifteen quechua dialects and five aymara dialects.


Runasimi.de Icon Language: Flag of Spain Flag of U.K. Flag of Italy Runasimi Flag ...

The dictionary runasimi.txt, freely downloadable from the site runasimi.de contains translation of about 23000 words from Hanan Runasimi, to main European languages (english, spanish, german, italian), as well as to some quechua and ayamara dialects. It's downloadable in different formats and there is also an online version (site aulex.org).

A part from the vocabulary, this site contains also a map of quechua dialects, quechua fonems, poems, links and stuff about andean cultures.

I translated the dictionary into Italian; if you find some mistakes, please contact me.
See also DiQuIt page on this site (Graphic User Interface in a Gnu-Linux environment of the languages Hanan Runasimi - Italian).